Eid Mubarak! Important Announcements & Reminders for Eid al-Fitr 2025

Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We pray this message finds you in the best of health and Iman. Insha’Allah, according to the Fiqh Council of North America, Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on Sunday, March 30, 2025. May Allah (SWT) accept all your acts of worship throughout Ramadan and grant you the highest place in Jannah.

As we approach this blessed day, let us remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine, who will be observing Eid under brutal savage attacks by the inhumane Israeli forces. We ask Allah (SWT) to grant them strength, peace, and victory. Please keep them in your du’as and support them in any way you can.

A few important reminders and announcements for the upcoming days:

Eid Prayer – Sunday, March 30, 2025

Insha’Allah, due to the growing size of our community, we will have three groups for Eid prayer at Berlin Masjid to accommodate everyone. The schedule is as follows:

  • First Group: Takbeer begins at 7:00 AM, Salah at 7:30 AM sharp
  • Second Group: Takbeer begins at 9:00 AM, Salah at 9:30 AM sharp
  • Third Group: Takbeer begins at 10:30 AM, Salah at 11:00 AM sharp

Please arrive early to ensure a smooth process for everyone.

Eid Mubarak! May Allah accept all your good deeds throughout this blessed month of Ramadan—your fasting, prayers, night qiyam, and charity. May He continue to bless you and your loved ones with peace, prosperity, and guidance.

Zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana) Reminder

Before Eid, don’t forget to fulfill your Zakat-ul-Fitr obligation! This is $15 per person and must be paid before Eid prayer. Donations can be made:

At the masjid (clearly marked collection box)

Online (Pay [HERE])

Directly to those in need 

Khatm Quran (Completion)

The Khatm Quran (completion of the Quran recitation) will take place during Taraweeh prayers on the 29th night of Ramadan (Friday 3/28/25, Insha’Allah). Babysitting services will be available for children aged 4 and above in the Education Building during Taraweeh prayers. We encourage you to express your appreciation for Imam Sayed Farghaly’s dedicated leadership in Taraweeh this year by contributing a token of gratitude. Please place your donations in the box marked for Imam collection or donate electronically [here].

Qyiam – Last Night

Last night of Qyiam will be on Firday into Saturday at 3:30 am followed by a community Suhoor insha’Allah. There is no Qyiam at the masjid on Saturday into Sunday morning.

Masjid Donation

If you missed the opportunity to support Berlin Mosque, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford during our Ramadan fundraiser, you can make a quick donation [here]. For recurring donations to the masjid, you can use this [link]

🌙 The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan: A Time for Worship & Blessings

Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we approach the most sacred nights of Ramadan, we are reminded of the immense blessings and mercy Allah bestows upon us. The last ten nights, beginning Thursday, March 20, 2025, at Maghrib, are an opportunity to seek Laylatul Qadr—a night better than a thousand months (Qur’an 97:3). May Allah accept our fasting, prayers, and charity, and may we leave this month with our sins forgiven.

We encourage everyone to make the most of these nights through salat, dhikr, and acts of kindness and charity. Here’s what’s happening at Berlin Mosque during these special nights:

🌙 Qiyam and Suhour

🔹 Qiyam-ul-Layl led by Imam Sayed Farghaly
🔹 Tahajjud begins two hours before Fajr
🔹 Midnight Halaqas (on select nights)
🔹 Suhour will be provided after prayer (Sign up [HERE])

The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever stands in prayer during Laylatul Qadr with faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Let’s strive to maximize our prayers during these powerful nights!

💰 Zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana) Reminder

Before Eid, don’t forget to fulfill your Zakat-ul-Fitr obligation! This is $15 per person and must be paid before Eid prayer. Donations can be made:
🟢 At the masjid (clearly marked collection box)
🟢 Online (Pay [HERE])
🟢 Directly to those in need

📖 Taraweeh and Khatm Quran

📅 Khatm-ul-Quran will take place on Friday, March 28 (29th night of Ramadan) during Taraweeh.
🧒 Babysitting available in the Education Building during Taraweeh.

Join us as we complete the recitation of the Qur’an and make heartfelt du’as on this special night!

🌟 The Mercy & Light Tour

We are honored to welcome Imam Mohamed Jibreel to our community for a special night of ibada (worship)!

📅 Friday, March 21, 2025
🎤 Jumu’ah Khutbah by Imam Jibreel
🕌 Taraweeh Prayer led by Imam Mohamed Jibreel

Imam Jibreel is internationally renowned for his soul-stirring Qur’an recitation, bringing the beauty of the divine words to life. This is a rare opportunity to experience his recitation in person and be spiritually uplifted.

🍽️ Weekend Iftar at the Masjid

🤝 May Allah reward our generous community members and Muslim restaurant owners who have helped provide iftar.
📅 Iftar will be served on March 21, 22, and 28
🕌 Youth Halaqa at 5 PM before iftar.

To contribute to iftar hosting, donate [HERE].

🕌 Support Imam Farghaly & His Family

Imam Sayed Farghaly has led Taraweeh every night with a beautiful recitation. To support him and his family, a fund collection box is available during Taraweeh.
For online contributions, click [HERE].

📸 Let’s Capture the Spirit of Ramadan!
We encourage you to share your Ramadan moments at the masjid! If you take pictures that are appropriate for sharing, feel free to tag us or send them for us to share.

May Allah grant us the reward of Laylatul Qadr and accept all of our worship. Ameen!

💙 Berlin Mosque


Welcome Ramadan 1446-2025 – Events at Berlin Mosque

Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We welcome Ramadan on Saturday, March 1 insha’Allah. May Allah accept your prayers, siyam, sadaqa and dua. We hope to see you often at Berlin Mosque insha’Allah during our many events supported by our members’ generous donations: 

Taraweeh Prayers

Daily after Isha’ starting Friday February 28, 2025. Isha Iqama will be at 7:30 until DST then 20 minutes after athan. Taraweeh will be lead by Imam Syed Farghali, may Allah reward him. Babysitting area will be in the education building (old mosque building) for children 8 and under accompanied by a parent. Taraweeh will be broadcasted there. Daily khatera will also be given by alternating speakers after the 4th rak’a insha’Allah. Please bring your reusable water bottle to stay hydrated! WE WILL NOT HAVE DISPOSABLE WATER BOTTLES THIS YEAR to avoid waste.

Weekend Iftar at the Masjid

May Allah reward many members and Muslim restaurant owners who generously contributed to hosting Iftar events, we will have catered Iftar on the following nights insha’Allah:

  • Saturday 3/1
  • Saturday 3/8
  • Saturday 3/15
  • Friday & Saturday 3/21&22
  • Friday 3/28

To contribute to hosting Iftar ($500 per slot), please Click Here

Masjid Fundraising Event – Saturday March 15

To continue to support the masjid events and expenses, please mark your calendars for the Fundraising Iftar Saturday March 15 insha’Allah. Speaker to be announced. To Donate

Last 10 Nights – Qiyam and Suhour

In the last blessed 10 nights, Imam Sayed Farghali will lead Qiyam. This will be preceded by a midnight Halaqa and followed by a Suhour. Sign-up for providing Suhoor will be shared later.

Youth Iftar Events

Youth Iftar will be in the small Front building (boys) and Education building (girls) on the same nights as the adult iftar events.

Quran Competition

For children 7-17. This will be held on Saturday March 23 after Zuhr prayer insha’Allah. Deadline to register is Tuesday March 19. Participants will be tested on any Surah within the level they choose. Registration is Free. For information, registration and participation levels Click Here

Donation Link:

You can also mail a check to IAGH, 1781 Wilbur Cross Hwy, Berlin, CT 06037

Ramadan Iftar Hosting & Sponsorship

It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward the slightest”.    We will be hosting Iftar events on 7 nights in Ramadan insha’Allah. Each night requires iftar sponsorship by several people $500 each. Individuals may sponsor more than one slot. To share the reward (ajr) of these Iftars, please sign up.

قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: “مَنْ فَطَّرَ صَائِمًا كَانَ لَهُ مِثْلُ أَجْرِهِ غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ لاَ يَنْقُصُ مِنْ أَجْرِ الصَّائِمِ شَيْئًا

Arabic Classes – Beginner & Intermediate Level Starting in September

Assalam Alaikum

Two Arabic classes starting in September inshallah. One for beginner level *(in-person with an online option)* and one for an intermediate level *(online)*.

*Beginner Level:*
In Person with an online option
33 Bishops Curve
Saturdays 9-11am
Ages 16+ geared for reverts and beginners at a starting level
Starts Saturday September 7
Fee: $110 per semester

Beginner Registration: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/2563b9a9-8ddd-40f6-a629-c33d01149c32

*Intermediate Level:*
Online only
Sundays 7:30-9:30am
Ages 16+
Starts Sunday September 8
Fee: $110 per semester

Intermediate Registration: https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/d1ac2f7b-5c27-4f1e-af77-68e4cf240a2e

May Allah make them beneficial to our community. If you have any question: Contact US

Eid Prayer-Udhya-FunDay Announcemenet

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak
كلُ عَامٍ وَأَنْتُمْ بِخَيْر

Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters and Eid Mubarak. May Allah accept your extra ibadat in the first 10 days of the month of DhuElHijja. Eid will be on Sunday 6/16/2024 insha’Allah. Fasting the day of Arafat (Satrday) is highly recommended as well as fasting any number of the first 10 days of this month.

Eid Prayer – Sunday 6/16/2024

Alhamdulillah, due to our growing community, we will insha’Allah have 3 groups at Berlin Masjid in order to accommodate all. The schedule will be as follows:

First Group: Takbeer starting at 7 am, Salat at 7:30 am sharp
Second Group: Takbeer starting at 9 am, Salat at 9:30 am sharp
Third Group: Takbeer starting at 10:30 am, Salat at 11:00 am sharp

Zabiha/Qurbani Udhya Reminder

May Allah accept your udhya should you decide to perform one. If you would like to distribute meat to the needy through the masjid, we are accepting meat donations during the times of Fajr/Maghrib/Isha only. In order to make sure the meat stays in good condition, please do not bring it during any other time. Ensure that there is someone to receive it from you and refrigerate/freeze it. Do NOT leave it unattended.

Eid FunDay– Sunday 6/23/2024 (rain day Saturday 6/29/2024)

FunDay and Summer Kickoff Community BBQ and Potluck is on Sunday 6/23/2024 insha’Allah (rain date 6/29/2024) 2-5:30pm. There will be bouncy houses, raffles, games for kids, BBQ and more. Please use this link to sign up to bring a dish

Summer 2024 IAGH Newsletter

Sunday School Graduation was this Sunday 6/2/2023 during Sunday school hours for all classes. Graduation Video

Make sure not to miss Sunday School Registration for Academic year 2024-2025. Classes are filling up fast. Link to Register.

FunDay and Summer Kickoff Community BBQ and Potluck is on Sunday 6/23/2024 insha’Allah (rain date 6/29/2024) 2-5:30pm. There will be bouncy houses, raffles, games for kids, BBQ and more. Please use this link to sign up to bring a dish

Islamic Summer Camp starts July 8 through August 8th for children age 8-16. Packed with didactics, lessons and fun activities, make sure not to miss this opportunity for your children. Camp fee is $250 per child (reduced for additional children). To REGISTER. If you have any question, reach out to Sr. Ghoufran 860-656-8632

Arabic classes resume this summer for Beginner and Intermediate Learners. Classes will be held Saturdays 9-10:30 am for beginners and Sundays 8-10 am June through August insha’Allah. To sign up for Beginner Arabic Classes. To sign up for Intermediate Arabic Class. For more information, please contact Sr. Ghoufran 860-656-8632 or ghoufran.allababidi@berlinmosque.org. Registration fee: $100 per semester.

If you would like to join our summer camp as staff and/or volunteer, please see the flyer for information.  If you have any question, reach out to Sr. Ghoufran 860-656-8632

Berlin Mosque Summer Camp – In the Love of Muhammad (PBUH)

A fun and learning camp for children 8-16 years old will start on July 8 until August 8 (5 weeks) insha’Allah.

Theme: In the Love of Muhammad (PBUH)

When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:45 am – 1:30 pm from July 8 until August 8

Who: Children age 8-16

Where: Berlin Mosque, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford

Fees: $250 first child, $225 second child, $200 third child, $175 each additional child

Registration Link

Questions: Sr. Ghoufran 860-656-8632

Arabic Classes – Beginner & Intermediate Level Starting in June

We are happy to offer 2 Arabic classes starting this month. One for beginner level (in-person & Online) and one for an intermediate level (online).

Beginner Level:
In Person & Online- 33 Bishops Curve
Saturdays 9-10:30am
Ages 16+ geared for reverts at a starting level
Starts Saturday June 8
Fee: $100 per semester (semester)

Intermediate Level:
Sundays 7-9am
Ages 16+
Starts Sunday Jan 9
Fee: $100 per semester

May Allah make them beneficial to our community.

If the fee poses any difficulty to anyone wishing to take the class or if you have any question, please Contact Us

Eid Announcement – Khatm Quran – Zakat Al-Fitr

Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

According to the Fiqh Council of North America’s calculation, Eid will be on Wednesday 4/10/2024 insha’Allah. May Allah accept all your Ramadan ibadat and grant you the highest of jannat. 

Please make dua’a for and support in anyway you can our brothers and sisters in Palestine as they spend Eid under brutal savage attacks by the Israeli forces. May Allah grant them victory.

Few reminders and announcements:

Zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana) Reminder

Please remember to make Zakat-ul-Fitr which is estimated  around $12 per person on every member of the family including an unborn child. This is due before salat-ul-Eid. Berlin Mosque is collecting this in a special box (marked distinctly), or you can give it directly to someone in need. You can also make it electronically HERE

Khatm Quran (Completion)

Khatm Quran (completion of recitation) will be on Taraweeh on the 29th night of Ramadan (tonight Sunday 4/7) insha’Allah. Babysitting is provided for children 4+ in Education Building during Taraweeh. Please consider a token of appreciation for Imam Sayed Farghaly’s well-done job in leading Taraweeh this year and place it in the box marked for Imam collection  or HERE.

Qyiam – Last 2 Nights

Qyiam will continue for the last 2 nights at 3:15 am followed by a community Suhoor insha’Allah.

Eid Prayer – Wednesday 4/10/2024

Alhamdulillah, due to our growing community, we will insha’Allah have 3 groups at Berlin Masjid in order to accommodate all. The schedule will be as follows:

First Group: Takbeer starting at 7:00 am, Salat at 7:30 am sharp
Second Group: Takbeer starting at 9:00 am, Salat at 9:30 am sharp
Third Group: Takbeer starting at 10:30 am, Salat at 11:00 am sharp

Eid Mubarak. May Allah accept all your good deeds in siyam, salat, qiyam and sadaqa.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAGHBERLIN/
Instagram: https://Instagram.com/IAGHBERLIN

Donation Link:

Our website https://www.berlinmosque.org/donations/ 
You can also mail a check to IAGH, 1781 Wilbur Cross Hwy, Berlin, CT 06037