Assalam Alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We welcome Ramadan on Saturday, March 1 insha’Allah. May Allah accept your prayers, siyam, sadaqa and dua. We hope to see you often at Berlin Mosque insha’Allah during our many events supported by our members’ generous donations:
Taraweeh Prayers
Daily after Isha’ starting Friday February 28, 2025. Isha Iqama will be at 7:30 until DST then 20 minutes after athan. Taraweeh will be lead by Imam Syed Farghali, may Allah reward him. Babysitting area will be in the education building (old mosque building) for children 8 and under accompanied by a parent. Taraweeh will be broadcasted there. Daily khatera will also be given by alternating speakers after the 4th rak’a insha’Allah. Please bring your reusable water bottle to stay hydrated! WE WILL NOT HAVE DISPOSABLE WATER BOTTLES THIS YEAR to avoid waste.
Weekend Iftar at the Masjid
May Allah reward many members and Muslim restaurant owners who generously contributed to hosting Iftar events, we will have catered Iftar on the following nights insha’Allah:
- Saturday 3/1
- Saturday 3/8
- Saturday 3/15
- Friday & Saturday 3/21&22
- Friday 3/28
To contribute to hosting Iftar ($500 per slot), please Click Here
Masjid Fundraising Event – Saturday March 15
To continue to support the masjid events and expenses, please mark your calendars for the Fundraising Iftar Saturday March 15 insha’Allah. Speaker to be announced. To Donate
Last 10 Nights – Qiyam and Suhour
In the last blessed 10 nights, Imam Sayed Farghali will lead Qiyam. This will be preceded by a midnight Halaqa and followed by a Suhour. Sign-up for providing Suhoor will be shared later.
Youth Iftar Events
Youth Iftar will be in the small Front building (boys) and Education building (girls) on the same nights as the adult iftar events.
Quran Competition
For children 7-17. This will be held on Saturday March 23 after Zuhr prayer insha’Allah. Deadline to register is Tuesday March 19. Participants will be tested on any Surah within the level they choose. Registration is Free. For information, registration and participation levels Click Here
Donation Link:
You can also mail a check to IAGH, 1781 Wilbur Cross Hwy, Berlin, CT 06037